Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Christmas Reflections 2020


Thanksgiving in Colorado, 2020

Change. People vary in their fondness or dislike of change. It’s said that “a change can do you good”, and “a change is as good as a rest”, etc., but I’d dare say that even the most spontaneous among us have not loved the changes that 2020 brought with the arrival of covid and the “new normal.”  I’m sure that many of us have come to be thankful for the some of the changes, while at the same time bemoaning others. Our family has been thankful to have Ben working from home, but struggled tremendously with not being able to go to church for 3 months. There have definitely been both blessings and difficulties during this season.


 I am so very thankful that in a world that is constantly changing, due to coronavirus and otherwise, that my God remains the same. In a world that is uncertain, I can trust the steadfastness of Christ. During the last 9 months, I have often found myself absolutely overwhelmed by the magnitude and swiftness of the changes, so I have had to constantly remind myself of these truths. I read from a book most mornings that follows the church calendar and the second week of Advent the theme was “In Change, Unchanged”.  I want to share a reading that particularly touched me by J. Campbell Shairp:


’Twixt gleams of joy and clouds of doubt

our feelings come and go;

Our daily state is tossed about

in ceaseless ebb and flow.

No mood of feeling, form of thought,

is constant for a day;

But Thou, O Lord, Thou changest not,

the same Thou art alway.


 We try to keep focused on these truths each and every day, but I have found that traditions that usher us into observing the church season and focusing our attention on Christ, further aid us in this endeavor. This year especially I have really appreciated our Advent and Christmas traditions. It seems that in a world so uncertain and constantly changing, that lovely traditions bring so much comfort and they provide us with some deep rooting. In our family we try to very intentionally observe a slow and simple Advent, focusing on the waiting leading up to Christ’s birth, and reminding us that we are still waiting for His second coming.


 To read more about our Advent & Christmas traditions, please visit 


We pray that whatever traditions your family observe point you to Christ, the steadfast & unchanging One.


“Life’s sorrows still fluctuate; God’s love does not, And His love is unchanged, when it changes our lot.”



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