Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Blessed Advent

Blessed Advent! 

Claude Monet

I wanted to share some of our Advent and Christmas resources, in hopes that some of it may be helpful and beneficial to you and/or  your families. These resources can be used by anyone, not just homeschoolers, so please take a look! Advent is my absolute favorite season of the Christian calendar and I spent lots of time on these resources for our family, but figured others might want to incorporate parts as well. 

Below you will find a link to take you to our Bondurant Advent and Christmas Treasury, our Advent/Christmas Liturgy, and our Advent/Christmas Curriculum Guide for 2021. Below you will find some helpful links that are also included in the documents. In the treasury I share Poems, Hymns, Folk Songs, Book Lists, and about our Traditions. 

A bit on how we approach Advent: We enjoy observing the liturgical year, also known as the Church calendar or Christian Seasons, in our home. I read through a great and simple book called The Circle of Seasons by Ireton that explains the historical background and biblical emphasis of each season, and then gives ideas for how to incorporate that season in your home and life through different practices and traditions. 
We intentionally take things slower during Advent and try to really feel that sense of waiting. We try to limit our Christmas activities as much as possible to guard our Advent devotional time and so that we can keep a peaceful atmosphere in our hearts and in our homes. We have decided to only get out our Advent specific decorations during Advent, and to wait to get out the rest of the decor and put up our tree closer to Christmas. (Traditionally people waited to decorate their tree until Christmas Eve.) During Advent we just put out our Advent wreath and our Jesse Tree and we put up the tree and the nativities a few days before Christmas and leave them up all of Christmastide (the 12 days of Christmas) through Epiphany (January 6th). This allows us to really lean into the season of waiting and preparation and it makes the celebratory days of Christmastide that much sweeter!
I love these thoughts on Advent:
Advent Playlist:

Christmastide Playlist:
Pinterest Boards
Advent, Christmastide, Epiphany:
Liturgical Year:


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