Saturday, December 18, 2021

In Memoriam- Grandmommy Sue


Thought I shared for her memorial brochure:

I've felt a special bond with Grandmommy ever since Elliot came along and we shared the same birth order of children- two girls and a boy. As I've witnessed her love and adoration for my dad over the years, I can only hope that Elliot and I share such a sweet love as well. (I know she had a deep love for her girls too, as do I.) There's something very special about the love between a mom and son and I feel it's a rare gift to have seen that displayed all these years. I remember each time we'd leave from a visit, Grandmommy standing in the driveway waving goodbye, blowing kisses, with obvious tears welling up in her eyes. It was obvious that her deep love for my dad extended to us all, but it was especially obvious she loved him immensely all the days of her life.  

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