Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Dear Friends, will you join me in eating Real Food for 10 Days?

So, there is this thing called a "10 Days of Real Food Pledge" that my husband and I are going to do (try really hard to do) starting November 1 and I am looking for some people to join us.

It is from the 100 days of real food website which was started by a family that used to be junk food/processed food eaters and they set out on a challenge to only eat real food for 100 days...and they succeeded! The website has recipes and 3 different week long meal plans for breakfast, lunch, dinner...and grocery lists to go along with.Check out the rules before you decide to accept the challenge.
I thought some of my readers/friends might be interested in doing it as well...for encouragement, accountability, and over all health! Let me know! If you decide to do it maybe we can swap dinner one night (for those in Memphis). You in?

Why do this? Why cut processed food? Here is what they say on 100 Days of Real Food...

Processed foods are an illusion, often appearing to be healthy (with claims like low fat, low carb, vitamin fortified, no trans fat, contains omega-3s, etc.) when these foods are in fact the very thing making a lot of Americans unhealthy, sick, and fat.
Coronary heart disease, diabetes, stroke and cancer – four of the top ten chronic diseases that kill most of us – “can be traced directly to the industrialization of our food” according to Michael Pollan.
Making smarter (and sometimes more expensive) food choices now may reduce your healthcare costs later in life.
Why would one want to eat a processed food-like substance that is scientifically designed to never rot?
The food industry has proven that it is not very good at seasoning our foods by adding way too much salt, sugar, and/or oil to almost everything.
When you eat white bread and other foods made with white flour (which is a highly processed version of wheat) you are basically consuming empty calories with far less nutrition than the whole-wheat or whole grain alternatives.
It is estimated that up to 90% of processed foods* in the supermarket contain either a corn or soy ingredient in the form of an additive under a variety of different names. Now how is that for eating variety?
Cutting out processed foods could lead you to experience a variety of personal health benefits such as having more energy, losing weight, improving regularity, or just feeling healthier overall.
Rather than counting calories, watching fat grams, or reducing carbs for “healthy eating,” simply eat whole foods that, as Michael Pollan puts it, are more the product of nature than “the product of industry.” It certainly is less complicated.
It just makes plain old sense to fully understand what you are eating, be able to pronounce everything on the list of ingredients (if there is a list), and know exactly where that food comes from…don’t you think?
*Statistic courtesy of a food scientist interviewed on the documentary “Food, Inc”

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